Topical Trends
Topical Trends
News, insights and thought leadership for re/insurance professionals with an interest in topical trends.

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What's next for Innovation?

You can cut up innovation into lots of different pieces. So you can think about small innovations when you're taking what you're already doing and doing it better...
You can cut up innovation into lots of different pieces. So you can think about small innovations when you're taking what you're already doing and doing it better...
Video / 1 year ago

Podcast: Ep 80 Matthew Shaw CUO of TMK: The most submissions for a decade - The Voice of Insurance

As Chief Underwriting Officer of TMK Matthew Shaw has one of the top ten individual underwriting jobs in the London market, marshalling a stamp capacity of one and a half billion pounds at one of Lloyd’s best-known lead markets...
As Chief Underwriting Officer of TMK Matthew Shaw has one of the top ten individual underwriting jobs in the London market, marshalling a stamp capacity of one and a half billion pounds at one of Lloyd’s best-known lead markets...
Article / 3 years ago

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Insurer in Full: (Re)insurers guide towards manageable Baltimore bridge claims impact amid ongoing uncertainty over losses
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Catastrophe Bonds Use Models Underestimating Climate Risks, Investors Say
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What would a Trump-Rubio ticket mean for the insurance industry?
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