Headquartered in London, Gallagher Specialty works with large multinationals and insurance brokers worldwide, providing bespoke programme design, risk placement, and consulting support across a range of industries. A number of our divisions are market leaders; delivering global solutions for some of the largest and most complex risks that modern businesses and organisations face. Our strong, well-established relationships in the London and international insurance markets are leveraged every day to obtain the most effective and innovative solutions for our clients.

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Invoking Change whilst Preserving our Greatest Assets

Technology in today's world is forever advancing, none more so than in the Artificial Intelligence arena. How we adapt to this as insurers and whether this will afford us a better working practice is yet to be seen...
Technology in today's world is forever advancing, none more so than in the Artificial Intelligence arena. How we adapt to this as insurers and whether this will afford us a better working practice is yet to be seen...
Article / 12 months ago

Desalination could be the answer to water scarcity

Water scarcity levels are rising, and climate change, pollution and population growth continue to sap the world’s reserves. Some 2.3 billion people currently live in water-stressed countries, of which 733 million live in high and critically water-stressed countries, according to the UN-Water.
Water scarcity levels are rising, and climate change, pollution and population growth continue to sap the world’s reserves. Some 2.3 billion people currently live in water-stressed countries, of which 733 million live in high and critically water-stressed countries, according to the UN-Water.
Article / 2 years ago

Insuring BECCS

Establishing the risk profile of any new technology is never an easy task. The stakes are raised further, however, when the technology is integrally – if controversially – linked to global decarbonization efforts...
Establishing the risk profile of any new technology is never an easy task. The stakes are raised further, however, when the technology is integrally – if controversially – linked to global decarbonization efforts...
Article / 2 years ago

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Navigating the Aftermath: The MV Dali Bridge Collision
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Construction Professional Indemnity Market Update H1 2024
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